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Cycling Across Three Countries of Indochina Tour

15 Days


This 15-day tour takes you on a cycling adventure through Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam, exploring the stunning landscapes, local cultures, and historical sites of Southeast Asia.

The tour starts in Bangkok, where you’ll have a group meeting and briefing before embarking on a scenic bike ride from Laem Mae Pim to Chaolao Beach. Cycle through fishing villages, seafood markets, and temples, enjoying the picturesque views along the way.

The journey continues with a challenging 110km ride from Chaolao Beach to Pong Nam Ron, passing through fruit plantations, forests, and local villages. Cross the Thai/Cambodian border and cycle to Pailin, once home to the Khmer Rouge regime.

In Battambang, explore the town’s French colonial architecture and visit the bat cave to witness millions of bats emerging at dusk. Cycle to Siem Reap and embark on a boat trip through the floating village of Chong Khneas on the Tonle Sap Lake.

Explore the ancient temples of Angkor on a cycling tour before heading to Phnom Penh to visit the Genocide Museum and Killing Fields. Cycle to the Vietnam border and continue to Chau Doc, then explore the Mekong Delta by boat and bike.

Visit the Cai Be floating market and enjoy a cycling tour before heading to Ho Chi Minh City. Explore the Cu Chi Tunnels, a key site from the Vietnam War, before ending the tour with a transfer to the airport for your departure.

This tour offers a unique and active way to experience the rich culture and history of Southeast Asia, with plenty of opportunities for adventure and exploration along the way.


  • Cycle from Laem Mae Pim to Chaolao Beach with beautiful coastal scenery
  • Cycle from Chaolao Beach to Pong Nam Ron through local Thai villages and fruit plantations
  • Cycle from Pong Nam Ron to Pailin, crossing the Thai/Cambodian border and experiencing the differences between the two countries
  • Cycle from Pailin to Battambang, passing through cash-crop plantations and rice paddies
  • Boat trip from Battambang to Siem Reap, passing through the floating village of Chong Khneas
  • Angkor temple cycling tour, exploring Ta Prohm, Angkor Thom, and Angkor Wat
  • Tonle River cruise tour, visiting floating and stilted villages on the Tonle Sap lake
  • Drive to Phnom Penh, visiting Sambor Prei Kuk and enjoying a sundowner on the Mekong
  • Phnom Penh sightseeing tour, including visits to the Genocide Museum and the Killing Fields
  • Transfer to Takeo, cycle to the Vietnam border, and continue to Chau Doc
  • Cycle through the Mekong Delta to Vinh Long and stay at a homestay guesthouse
  • Cai Be cycling tour, visiting the Cai Be floating market and cottage industries
  • Half-day tour to Cu Chi Tunnels, learning about Vietnam's guerilla war history
  • Airport transfer for departure home.

Upon arrival at Bangkok airport, you will be greeted by our friendly representative at Gate No. 3. After clearing immigration and customs, you will be transferred to your hotel for check-in. Please note that standard check-in time is at 14.00 hrs.

In the evening, there will be a group meeting and briefing with your tour leader, followed by an optional group dinner. This is a great opportunity to get to know your fellow travelers and learn more about the exciting adventures that await you in Bangkok.

Overnight at your hotel in Bangkok, where you will begin your exploration of this vibrant city known as "The Land of Smiles." Get ready to immerse yourself in the rich culture, delicious cuisine, and bustling markets that make Bangkok a truly unforgettable destination.

Rise with the sun and prepare for a day of adventure along the stunning coastline. The bike ride will take you through local fishing villages, seafood markets, and picturesque temples, providing a glimpse into the daily life of the Thai people. Pedal along quiet roads with breathtaking seascapes, passing by mangrove swamps and lush fruit plantations that add diversity to the scenery.

Enjoy short ferry crossings that offer a unique perspective of the estuaries and help save time on the journey. The final destination is the tranquil beach of Chaolao, where you can cool off with a refreshing swim in the crystal-clear waters before indulging in a well-deserved dinner. This cycling tour offers a perfect blend of cultural immersion and scenic beauty, making it a memorable experience for any traveler.

Embark on an unforgettable journey as you cycle through 110km of stunning landscapes, from the pristine beaches of Chaolao to the charming town of Pong Nam Ron. As you pedal inland, you will be mesmerized by the changing scenery, from picturesque coastlines to lush forests and majestic mountains.

Riding on small paved roads with minimal traffic, you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture and witness the beauty of Chantaburi Province. Known for its abundance of tropical fruits, you will have the chance to taste fresh fruits from plantations, explore tranquil forests, and interact with friendly villagers in quaint villages along the way.

As you approach the final stretch of the journey, the road may become busier and the climbs more challenging, but the ultimate reward awaits you in Pong Nam Ron. Relax and unwind at the hotel's pool, savoring a well-deserved beer while overlooking the adjacent golf course against the backdrop of lush forested mountains.

Experience the best of Eastern Thailand on this exhilarating cycling adventure, where every pedal stroke brings you closer to the natural beauty and rich culture of this enchanting region.

Embark on a journey off the beaten path as you cycle from Pong Nam Ron to Pailin, crossing the Thai- Cambodian border and immersing yourself in the stunning landscapes of the Cardamom mountains. Witness the stark contrast between the prosperity of Thailand and the rustic charm of Cambodia as you pedal through red dirt roads and pass by traditional thatch shacks.

As you enter Cambodia, the remnants of the country's tumultuous history become apparent, with Pailin serving as a reminder of its past as a hub for semi-precious stone mining and a refuge for former Khmer Rouge officials. Explore the dusty town and soak in the rich cultural heritage that permeates every corner.

Join us on this exhilarating cycling adventure and experience the rugged beauty of Cambodia like never before.

Embark on a thrilling journey as we cycle from Pailin to Battambang, immersing ourselves in the stunning landscapes and rich culture of Cambodia.

The tarmac road leads us through cash-crop plantations and endless rice paddies, offering a picturesque backdrop for our adventure.

As we approach Battambang, the majestic limestone outcrop of Phnom Sampeau comes into view, inviting us to climb its 700+ steps for panoramic views of the countryside. For the adventurous spirits, a ride on the Bamboo Train awaits, providing a unique glimpse into local transportation.

Arriving in Battambang, a charming town on the banks of the Sangker River, we are greeted by a blend of French colonial and traditional Cambodian architecture. Explore the town's quaint streets before witnessing the mesmerizing spectacle of millions of bats emerging from a cave at dusk, a true marvel of nature.

Indulge in a delicious dinner at a local restaurant, savoring the flavors of Cambodian cuisine before retiring to our accommodations for a well-deserved rest. Join us on this unforgettable journey as we cycle through the heart of Cambodia, discovering its hidden gems and cultural treasures along the way.

Embark on an early morning adventure as you cycle through the tranquil streets of Battambang towards the boat pier that will take you to Siem Reap. This scenic river journey is considered one of the most captivating in Cambodia, spanning approximately 6-7 hours. The picturesque views along the way will transport you to a world of timeless beauty - from fishermen returning with their shimmering night's catch to the ethereal sight of morning fires casting a gentle haze in the dawn light.

As you navigate through the river towards the Tonle Sap Lake, the largest freshwater lake in South East Asia, you will be captivated by the diverse landscapes and traditional lifestyles that have remained unchanged for generations. Passing through the protected wetlands of Prek Toal, a vital breeding ground for endangered water birds, you will witness the rich biodiversity of the region.

Crossing the expansive Tonle Sap Lake, you will approach Siem Reap port, passing by the enchanting floating village of Chong Khneas. Here, you will marvel at the unique bamboo structures that serve as homes, schools, and even entertainment venues, all floating on the water's surface. Indulge in delicious meals along the way, with breakfast and lunch provided as you cover a distance of 20km by bike.

Embark on a unique journey through the ancient wonders of Angkor with our Angkor Temple Cycling Tour. Begin your day early to beat the crowds and explore the magnificent temples at your own pace.

Pedal your way through the shady avenues that connect the temples, taking in the breathtaking sights of Ta Prohm, where the jungle has reclaimed the ruins, creating a mystical atmosphere. Marvel at the grandeur of Angkor Thom, with its iconic Bayon temple adorned with the enigmatic faces of the king.

And no visit to Angkor would be complete without a stop at the awe-inspiring Angkor Wat, with its imposing towers, vast moat, and intricate carvings that tell the stories of a bygone era.

Join us on this unforgettable cycling tour and experience the magic of Angkor like never before.

*Embark on a half-day adventure in Siem Reap to uncover the hidden gems of this enchanting city.*

*Travel in style on a remork (Cambodian tuk tuk) and experience the bustling streets and vibrant culture.*

*Cruise along the Tonle Sap lake and witness the unique floating and stilted villages that line its shores.*

*Immerse yourself in the local way of life as you observe seasonal agricultural activities and visit a traditional village.*

*Indulge in Cambodian snacks and gain insight into the local customs at a Buddist monastery.*

*Join us on this unforgettable journey to discover the heart and soul of Siem Reap.*

Embark on a journey through time as we drive to Phnom Penh, the vibrant capital of Cambodia. Our adventure begins with a scenic bus ride along National Road 6, with stops at the remarkable Sambor Prei Kuk temples, showcasing the rich history of pre-Angkorian architecture.

Indulge in a traditional Khmer lunch at a local community restaurant before continuing our journey through the picturesque Cambodian countryside. Despite the ongoing road construction, our expert guides will ensure a smooth and enjoyable travel experience.

As we arrive in Phnom Penh in the late afternoon, immerse yourself in the bustling city atmosphere and unwind with a refreshing sundowner by the majestic Mekong River. Join us on this unforgettable exploration of Cambodia's ancient wonders and vibrant culture.

Phnom Penh Sightseeing Tour

Phnom Penh, the capital city of *Cambodia*, has seen its fair share of ups and downs throughout history. From the tragic years of the Khmer Rouge regime to the subsequent civil war, the city has endured unimaginable hardships. During our Phnom Penh Sightseeing Tour, we will delve into the past and present of this resilient city.

Our first stop is the Genocide Museum, formerly known as S-21 or Tuol Sleng, located in the heart of Phnom Penh. This haunting prison serves as a stark reminder of the atrocities committed by the Khmer Rouge regime. Just a short distance away lies the Killing Fields, where the remains of countless victims are a chilling testament to Cambodia's turbulent past.

While these sites may be difficult to visit, they offer a crucial insight into the country's history and the resilience of its people. As we explore the Royal Palace with its opulent *Silver Pagoda*, we witness the rich cultural heritage that still thrives in Phnom Penh. The city's *French colonial architecture* adds a touch of elegance to our tour, while the bustling Russian market and vibrant Mekong waterfront provide a glimpse into daily life in this evolving city.

Join us on a journey through Phnom Penh, where we uncover the dark and bright sides of this captivating city.

Embark on a journey south from Phnom Penh to the town of Takeo, where the road becomes less crowded and perfect for cycling. Pedal your way through the 31mi (50km) route to the Phnom Den-Tinh Bien border, where you will cross into Vietnam and continue cycling for approximately 18.6mi (30km) to reach the charming town of Chau Doc. Enjoy the scenic views and immerse yourself in the local culture as you explore the beautiful landscapes along the way.

Embark on a journey through the picturesque Mekong Delta

As we drive/cycle to Vinh Long, where we will catch a boat to our homestay guesthouse. As we ride along quiet backroads lined with charming villages, we will immerse ourselves in the local way of life.

Upon arrival in Vinh Long, we will board a boat to reach our homestay guesthouse situated on an island in the Mekong Delta, also known as the 'rice bowl' of Vietnam. The network of rivers and canals in this area offers a unique perspective on the traditional practices of rice production, fish farming, and fruit and vegetable cultivation.

After settling in, we will have the opportunity to explore the surrounding area on foot, taking in the natural beauty and tranquility of the Delta. Our evening will be filled with a delicious dinner prepared with local ingredients, offering a taste of authentic Delta hospitality.

As night falls, we will rest in a simple guesthouse designed in the style of a traditional local house. Bedding, a mosquito net, and a small towel will be provided for a comfortable night's sleep. Experience the warmth and hospitality of the Mekong Delta with this unforgettable homestay experience.

Embark on a unique journey through the heart of the Mekong Delta with our Cai Be Cycling Tour.
We begin our adventure by cruising along the Mekong River, stopping at the vibrant Cai Be floating market where local traders gather to sell their fresh produce. Witness the bustling atmosphere of this traditional wholesale market before continuing our journey.

As we cycle towards Cai Lay, we pass by charming cottage industries producing local delicacies such as popped rice, pancakes, and homemade wine. Enjoy the scenic route through lush orchards and alongside the tranquil Mekong River, immersing yourself in the beauty of the countryside.

Our tour culminates in the dynamic city of Ho Chi Minh City, formerly known as Saigon. Experience the energy and excitement of this bustling metropolis, where ancient temples coexist with modern developments. Discover the resilience and spirit of the Vietnamese people as they embrace the opportunities of a free-market economy.

Join us on this unforgettable journey to uncover the hidden gems of the Mekong Delta and the vibrant city of Ho Chi Minh. Experience the rich culture, warm hospitality, and breathtaking landscapes that define this captivating region.

Embark on an unforgettable journey into the heart of Vietnam's history with a Cu Chi Tunnels Tour. Delve into the fascinating world of the underground tunnels that served as a crucial base for the Viet Cong during the guerilla war. Witness firsthand the ingenuity and resilience of the Vietnamese fighters as you explore the intricate network of tunnels, complete with booby traps and hidden chambers.

Built by local fighters during the Indochina conflict, the Cu Chi tunnels provided a safe haven for the Viet Cong, allowing them to evade enemy forces and launch surprise attacks. Step back in time as you wander through the narrow passageways and cramped living quarters, gaining insight into the daily life and struggles of the soldiers and residents who called the tunnels home.

From makeshift kitchens to classrooms, the Cu Chi tunnels were a self-sustaining community, where every aspect of life was carefully planned and executed. Marvel at the resourcefulness and determination of the Vietnamese people as you learn about their unwavering dedication to the cause of liberation.

Join us on a Halfday Tour to Cu Chi Tunnels and immerse yourself in the rich history and heritage of Vietnam. Gain a deeper understanding of the sacrifices made by the brave men and women who fought for their country's independence, and leave with a newfound appreciation for the resilience of the human spirit.

After enjoying breakfast this morning, you will start your journey back home. For your convenience, we provide a complimentary shared transfer to the airport.

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

Cycling Across Three Countries of Indochina Tour

Single Traveller - Superior Hotels (3 Stars)


Twin/Double - 3 Stars


  • Double click to check/uncheck
  • The price listed for a single supplement is the surcharge applied if a passenger wishes to use accommodation services alone.

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Single Traveller - Superior Hotels (3 Stars)


Twin/Double - 3 Stars


  • Double click to check/uncheck
  • The price listed for a single supplement is the surcharge applied if a passenger wishes to use accommodation services alone.
Step 2: Fill Enquiry form